Yesterday was full of surprises at Abundant Life. We had our first ever "unplugged" service as well as the first Pastor's appreciation. Unplugged was our 5th Sunday service and we stripped the worship experience down to more of a coffee house acoustic music set.
I am honored to be able to serve as Lead Pastor of such an amazing church. Rick Womack was the guest speaker of the day, and he taught on creating a revolution of honor. Honor is defined as high respect or esteem. We all have the ability to give honor, however most of the time for what ever reason we don't.
Below are some points from Rick's message.
· Honor those Before Us - those that have blazed the trail; our historical leaders
· Honor those Below Us - there is structure & hierarchy - we should honor those that serve or work for us
· Honor those Beside Us - those people that are our peers, our co-laborers
· Honor those Behind Us - there's a generation that's looking to us as leaders - honor them with your integrity and humility
· Honor those Beyond Us - our leaders, the one's God has set in place over us at this time
Honor is about an attitude of purpose that positions you to be able to be honored. When we honor God with our lives and all of our stuff, then God honors us with blessings and purpose for life. Like wise when we honor others, then others honor us.
Thank you Abundant Life family for honoring me and my family and for believing in the vision God has given us for Statesboro. Let us create a revolution of honor in the boro.